“This year for Hollowed Wean, I recommend that women do like these cheerlidders and dress revocatively. Women that dress revocatively is more likely to get detention from men, and earn their reflections.” with leather***
Brilliant stuff Emmit.
Now, it takes me a little more messing around to move pictures from one site to the other but that's the effort I give you. I'm not afraid dammit.
I like a lot of what I saw last week. Kempt was solid, Crawford was great. Palmer saw the ball 12 times (I'm a soothsayer). I thought the game plan was great but the execution was better. Nicols played great in Taylor's absence. I really thought Nicols would see more balls thrown at him than Clay Aiken on his San Francisco tour stop. Our third down conversion rate needs to be higher. I can't say enough good thngs about the defense. The first series SS comes out on fire and is blowing our guys off the ball and by midfield the Cats had made adjustments and they never really sniffed the end zone except at garbage time.
Some people are questioning Ash and playing most of the second string for the last 8 minutes. I loved it. They were playing soft in the secondary, making SS complete short passes underneath. Ate a lot of clock and the gained a lot of experience. Not to mention how beat up they are on both sides of the ball. It was great to get them out early.
Not saying I know more than Rob Ash, but I do believe I called for some play action last week. Bostick could have gutted an elk in the end zone. No one from SS knew where he was or what he was doing. We need more of it.

I like Baken-ets Hot-n-Spicy pork rinds. Accept no substitutes. And they are good for you. I also like to step into a SlimJim once in a while. Which leads me to the question: If you were condemned for, I suppose murder, what would your last meal be. Medium rare ribeye, big baked potato with all the fixins, four hard shell tacos and for dessert, 1/2 pound of pepper bacon. About a quart of milk to wash it all down.
Who's your other favorite football team?
N A U!
Q: Why is Missoula the only town in Montana that has smog alerts?
A: Because its a shithole.
I wish I'd have switched to Old Spice Swagger when I was younger.
ND has no cake walk this week. They play the schizophrenic Pitt Panthers. Wow. Fatboy actually scheduled a decent school. Whats the matter Charlie? Wellesley didn't have an opening?
Speaking of Sir Fatsalot. Here's his latest photo. Nice Bro Frank Costanza.

From Holy Taco:
A morbidly obese man (aka ND head coach Charlie Weiss) with a large abdominal pannus (the overhanging image above) came in exhibiting red, irritated skin around the abdomen.
It looked like a routine skin infection. But what was the cause? During the exam, I lifted the pannus and a turkey sandwich fell from between his folds.
The man said it was about a month old, which the smell confirmed.”
OK, I might have put the aka thing in there. Maybe.
6:41 and my trick or treater (TOT) head count is 10. That's pretty low. I've never had less than 90. It's perfect goblin weather as well. The little shits better start showing up. I could have stopped for a couple of bowls of loud mouth soup.
7:13 TOT 28
7:34 TOT 50 (that's one a minute. I've barely been able to drink my hooch)
8:12 TOT 63 (the pace has dropped off.
Here's a question: how old do you stopped trick or treating? 12? 14?
Actual exchange between me and some kid.
Kid: "how come your doorbell is broken?"
Me: "I don't know."
Kid: "Can you fix it?"
Me: "I'll probably buy a new one."
Kid: "Can I come in and pet your dog?"
Me: "Is your mom hot?"
The Denny's PBA is in Omaha Sunday live for The Viper Championship. Mike Scroggins is your defending champion. The first frame gets rolled at 11AM on ESPN.
8:25 TOT 78
All night these kids have been carrying those little plastic pumpkins. You can't put more than a handful of candy in them and when I drop in a popcorn ball, the straps almost break. Only three kids came with pillow cases and they damn sure got extra from me.
8:59 TOT 82
These kids had to be at least 13 or 14 and didn't make a real effort to put on a costume. Of course I remember being 14 and grabbing my brother Bill's walkie-talklies with Donovan Hurlbert and trick or treating as truckers. That was it. The radios were our costume.
The Mustangs roll into the playoffs just hitting stride and looking like they could go deep. They face the unbeaten Fairfield Dirtfarmers in a grudge match of epic proportions. Fairfield defeated our beloved boys in blue en route to getting waxed in the championship game. Its not their faulty they choked like Mama Cass. They knew they had beaten the best team and just couldn't get up for the Baker Tumbleweeds. Malta will be focused and Fairfield will know what it is to meet the full unharnessed power of the 3M Company.
In Denton, they host a playoff game in the first round. Can't remember who but I think Twin Bridges. Denton, like most high schools in Montana, copied Malta as having blue in their school colors. It makes you proud doesn't it? The Tradition should be alright tomorrow. There big test comes next week if they can be victorious tomorrow. Send them all of your positive energy.
Well, I'm going to have to call it a night. I think I'll go over to the neighbors, have a couple of drinks and then turn in.
Remember, my tailgate area is #54 on the west side. I plan on being there about 11 AM and for chrstsakes, would you at least start checking on this thing. I plan on getting paid for this eventually. A little help. Let's have this be like an STD or something. Just start giving it to your friends without telling them. Thank you.
Safe journeys,
Go Cats!