Tuesday, August 11, 2009

It is easy>

Over at The Troll's blog, he has a little meme going just asking some basic questions in general. Kind of fun. I left his responses on and put mine in blue.

Takes about a minute to do this meme.

Been arrested? Yes No
Kissed someone you didn’t like? Yes Yes
Slept in until 5 PM? No No
Ran a red light? Yes Yes
Been suspended from school? Yes No
Experienced love at first sight? NO No
Totaled your car in an accident? No Yes
Been fired from a job? No No
Fired somebody? Yes Yes
Sang karaoke? Yes Yes
Pointed a gun at someone? No Yes
Done something you told yourself you wouldn’t? Yes Yes
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes Yes
Kissed in the rain? Yes Yes
Had a close brush with death (your own)? Yes Yes
Seen someone die? Yes Yes
Played spin-the-bottle? Yes Yes
Smoked a cigar? Yes Yes
Sat on a rooftop? Yes Yes
Smuggled something into another country? No No
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? No No
Broken a bone? Yes Yes
Skipped school? Yes Yes
Eaten a bug? No No
Sleepwalked? No No
Walked a moonlit beach? Yes Yes
Rode a motorcycle? Yes Yes
Dumped someone? Yes Yes
Lied to avoid a ticket? Yes Yes
Ridden in a helicopter? No Yes
Shaved your head? No Yes
Made your boyfriend/girlfriend cry? Yes Yes
Eaten snake? Yes No
Marched/Protested? Yes Yes
Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? No Yes
Puked on amusement ride? No No
Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? Yes Yes
Been in a band? Yes No
Been on TV? Yes No
Shot a gun? Yes Yes
Skinny-dipped? Yes Yes
Ridden a surfboard? Yes No
Drank straight from a liquor bottle? No Yes
Had surgery? Yes Yes
Streaked? Yes No
Taken by ambulance to hospital? Yes No
Passed out when not drinking? No No
Peed on a bush? Yes Yes
Donated Blood? Yes No
Grabbed electric fence? Yes Yes
Eaten alligator meat? Yes Yes
Killed an animal when not hunting? No Yes
Peed your pants in public? No No
Snuck into a movie without paying? No Yes (Star WarsIV, in Billings, when I was 13. Thanks Sis)
Written graffiti? No Yes
Still love someone you shouldn’t? Yes No
Been in handcuffs? Yes Yes
Believe in love? Yes Yes
Sleep on a certain side of the bed? No No


Buzz Kill said...

The first one to admit head shaving. Surgery, lice or lose a bet?

Kymical Reactions said...

what is it with guys not having a certain side of the bed? It's like you can just sleep anywhere?!

Milk River Madman said...


Check out my photo. I shave as a matter of convencience as my head does 1/2 the work naturally for me.


Generally sleep in the same spot but don't have to. That's just the side the reading light is on.

The Prodigy said...

Okay... Never Been Arrested, but have been in Handcuffs? Hmmm... I don't want the rest of that story!

h said...

Very clever doing yours in blue. Wish I'd have thought of that when I copied it. Gotta change one of mine. I've never been in an ambulance. Oops!