It'll be a great weekend. I get to walk into the Mint Bar tonight and buy the place a round of drinks. Even if there are 20 people in there in won't cost me 30 bucks. If there are more than that, well, I'll just keep to myself.
Then tomorrow morning I'll be golfing with Delmyspuds in the afternoon out to Content country to shoot clay pigeons with my brother and his father-in-law. I can hardly wait for my brother to see my new Stoeger 12/20 gauge over/under combination that he doesn't know I bought. Makes me smile just thinking about it. I even brought my .17 to finally sight in and shoot. Its brand new and I haven't chambered a round. Of course, I've only had it 2 years.

Hey, if I can get on the road by 4 MDT I can probably even stop for a couple of decent shots. Here's the map. Follow the yellow line to the heart of God's country. Or, if you want to look at a map on-line, its Highway 191 all the way home. Or click this link for a mapquest direction thingy. Its really cool. Read the directions at the end. It says "Turn right at 1st Street East". How in the hell did Mapquest know I was going to the Mint Bar? I just typed in "Malta" yet those directions get me to the Mint. Funny that. Hope the XM is cranking good tunes tonight.

Very proud I am, young skywalker...I see you learned the power of the hidden link! The force is strong with you. Just sat down with a glass of Ardmore, a little too smoky for my tastes, but I am coming around to this Single Malt business. Cheers!
You start drinking single malt scotch and I might remember where you live.
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