Here are some more funny photos. I took these from Holy Taco. I'm pretty sure they are all public domain as they aren't watermark but in case the aren't thanks to the guys at HT. is the link for the entire collection. Captions are mine.
Easy ladies, its only a cover plate.

What pervert took the time to look this close to find the sex in this ad. Get a life.

Purple and White? Must be a good Mormon girl from Weber State.

Peyton giving us the classic Manning face. 7-10 in the playoffs. Nice work.

Does anyone know if these guys are gay? I though I heard that once.

I love living in the 21st century. Can you imagine trying to do this with a Polaroid Instamatic?

This should be a NAMBLA ad.

Brady just being Brady.

No words are necessary.
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