Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Where's the outrage?

I'm sure by now we are all aware of the comments by Harry Reid and Bill Clinton.  My question is this:  where is the outrage from the Black community?  When will someone stand up to Jesse and Reverend Al and say "enough!"?  The Majority Leader's comments are beyond questioning and the former president did everything but refer to Barry as "boy" and no one in the black caucus cares.  No one at the NAACP is condemning either of these men.  Am I to understand that if you vote a certain way that you can refer to black's in this condescending manner?  You can talk down to them? 

One thing is for sure, if you didn't believe that the mainstream media has a liberal bias, it has been proven without a doubt in this case.  Jesus H Christ, the media is still talking about Rush's comments about Donovan McNabb and that happened 8 years ago! Harry and Bill are getting a free pass.  My head is going to explode.

1 comment:

h said...

Am I to understand that if you vote a certain way that you can refer to black's in this condescending manner? You can talk down to them?

Yes, and you can do far worse than that. You could be the leader of one of the most violent chapters in Ku Klux Klan history and still get endorsed by the "reverends" Sharpton and Jackson. I.E. Democrat Hero Senator Robert Byrd.