Here's some good stuff from the world wide interweb.
This first one is of the connect four world championships. Completely awesome from Joe Sports Fan.
From the blog "manofest" (quickly becoming a chipshots favorite) is this video on 80's dating tips for women. The video is OK but the write up preceding it is really good. The video talks about how to let a man know your interested. Personally, when you put your hand on my crotch, I can take it from there. That's the sign we're looking for Brian B.
Here's one from Spike about the 10 most important mustaches in the world. Makes me long for the sunny slopes of long ago.
This is from "funtasticus" just pictures of a bunch of bridges from all over the world. Way cool.
Uncoached has this compilation of great shark videos. Totally awesome. Makes me want to take up surfing and scuba diving at the same time. Maybe I could do them both next to a whaling trawler right after it dumps whale guts into the ocean. It also shows how stupid people are. I hate people, especially stupid ones. Very graphic.
Here's one on our president-elect. Thanks to all the fucking retards who voted for him. Thanks to Conservative Grapevine.
13 upcoming re-makes of Hollywood sci-fi classics. Again Conservative Grapevine.
Lastly, pictures of birds. Really, really cool pictures of birds by some chick named Kim Steninger.
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