Also, for you out of staters who follow the shallow, mindless ramblings of a deranged almost cowboy from the northern Montana plains, you can click here to look at the empire I help dominate in Southwest Montana. I work in the Bozeman location. Headquarters as it were. My office is what many call the "Central Nervous System" of the entire operation. No, I'm not a control freak. Not at all.
I had frost on my window this morning. You know what I liked about that? Not a goddam thing! Here's some pics I took on my drive to work this morning. Enjoy your day.
The Tobacco Roots
The Hyalites
The Spanish Peaks
Happy 50th to your sister. I crossed that milestone already and let her know that she is now in the fight of her life to keep menopause at bay. ha.
Meanwhile, your favorite song? Don't know about yours but mine would be:
1. Heard it in a Lovesong by Marshall Tucker, or
2. Don't Leave Me This Way ....
So I will guess that your faves are the same and leave it at that!
I'll pass that along. She has a constant smile on her face and I'm sure she will deal with this like she does everything.
You put your comment on the wrong post but your guess is spot on!! Winna, winna, chicken dinna!
I'm tempted to claim I picked what Kym picked but I'm not a democrat.
I picked 5 and 10 and 7. Only picked 7 cause it was the only song that i'm pretty sure wasn't a hit. I'd never heard it.
Burton Cummings?! Never heard of him? You're killing me. He was one of the founders of the Guess Who. "Stand Tall" was a pretty good hit. Took it from some hit list on the web.
If your Sister is 50, what does that make you like 100. Or atleast close right "Dad"
FYI im open this weekend if you want to make a venue change to Big Timber or somewhere closer. Or the weekend of July 10th for the Old Works. I haven't played in 3 weeks so I should be on my game...
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