Tuesday, October 28, 2008

its about time

Well, everyone's been calling my weekly letter a blog for so long I finally decided to start my own. It was quite simple thanks to my good friend Rick Robinson. I'll do my best to put a little something on here everyday. I still have to figure out a bunch of things but it can't be that hard. Tell your friends.


McBritt said...

Move over Dan Patrick. The Duke is on the Internets.

Milk River Madman said...

The internets? I didn't know there was more than one.

rr256 said...

You are Da Man!

BTW, where are the ads? You aren't an unpaid entertainer! You need ads so you can get add revenue so you can get PAID for your opinion so you can get taxed!

It is the American way.

iBhendo said...

Great idea. A big thank you to Rick for letting the fox into the hen house. There will be no stopping him now...HE'LL RULE THE WORLD!!...or at least this blog.

rr256 said...

Palin-Gibbs 2012