Most of these are from Holy Taco. Check out the funny pictures there. Comments are mine.

This is one of my favorite Bible verses. It's why Luke's version is the best Gospel.

This is funny even with a blasphemy mixed in.

I hate the Cubs. Hate them. Overrated cheap-ass franchise. Overrated fan base. Shitty dirt bag old stadium. If this suck hole of a team was in a crummy market
Ryne Sandberg wouldn't be in the Hall of Fame which he does NOT deserve to be in.

Just funny.

Didn't' know I did that.

I'm sure our current
wimpass of a spineless wuss of a president doesn't even know what the hell this is much less that its for the defense of the retards who voted for him. Is it 2012 yet?

Yes. Yes it is. Poor bastard. He'll have to move to an entirely different part of the country to get away from the grief he will endure for a lifetime.

I love this. Batman
bitchslapping Robin doesn't ever stop being funny.
These are great. Most of them. I don't follow regular season baseball... but did enjoy bits of the WBC. anyway, I like the cubs. Probably because they are who I followed when I first started watching baseball. And, I feel sorry for them that they just never have what it takes to win.
Anyway, I know you don’t follow college hoops, but I will be making comments to update on my bracket. Check in time to time for the KYM-Commentary! I don't think I will post a new blog until the madness is over! CHEERS!
I love the cubbies and you know it. Being from mt I blame wgn. That batman picture is the vision of the next time I see you. GO CUBS!
Are you alive?
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